Friday, July 17, 2009

Journal Prompt

Journal prompt I chose for today.

If you could read someone by their signature, what would yours say?

Exuberant,extrovert,sings out loud,plays brass,dances,Acts,takes pictures,is caring,makes lasting friendships,intelligent,witty and sarcastic at times, simply who she is so take that and love her for it.

What would be yours?

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Some I found to be good ones.

“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

Irish blessing

“Don't be dismayed at goodbyes, a farewell is necessary before you can meet again and meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.”

Richard Bach

“The unreal is more powerful than the real, because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. stone crumbles. wood rots. people, well, they die. but things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on.”

Chuck Palahniuk

“I laugh, I love, I hope, I try, I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry. And I know you do the same things too, So we're really not that different, me and you.”

Colin Raye

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Reinhold Niebuhr

“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.”


Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm going to Disney World!!!

No really I am... in June... I love my daddy!

Hee hee... private pool!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


I thought I'd post some of my Haiku's for your reading enjoyment. Some are silly, some are serious but they are all my words!

Coughing and sneezing
Having a cold is a drag
I'm out of tissues

Walking in the rain
The clouds are gray and murky
Rain drips from my hair

Anger flows through me
Keeping myself from screaming
My cheeks are burning

Day turns into night
Everything in sleepy bliss
Wishing on a star

The Lord gives his life
A terrible death to die
We are the sinners

Eyes starting to shut
Talking starts to fade away
While sleeping in class

Tall,dark and handsome
Eyes that look into my soul
Body that lures me.

There you have it... some of the Haiku's I have written over the last 9 years. Enjoy!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Journal Prompt of the evening (What is your Idea of Beauty?)

Decided to go to and put my cursor over a prompt and this is the one it gave me (completely random.. just a page of * and each mouse roll over gives you the topic)

What is your idea of beauty?

My idea of beauty? Someone with a beautiful heart. Someone who is nice to others, cares about people and truely is a good person.

Outer beauty is nice however inner beauty is more valued and more precious. I can see someone who has a lot of outter beauty and their personality is ugly. That makes them ugly to me regardless of the shell they choose to cloak it with.

Ok I want to do another.

How are you similar or different from the person you were 10 years ago.

Well 10 years ago I was a sophmore in college. I was way over my head in things I was doing which left little time for me to have free time. I was in 7 ensembles a year both vocal and instrumental. Although I enjoyed them all a lot I was overworking myself.I partied a bit more than I do now.

I'm more of an extrovert then I was then. I am more sarcastic and cynical than I used to be. I enjoy what little things I can do to continue using my musical abilities and such. And I'm a mom so I have those responsibilities now. I may occasionally have a beer with a friend once in a blue moon because there simply isn't enough time with shows,soccer,work and such.

Life is definitely busier but for other reasons. Nice to be busy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Weather

The weather here is dreary. Rain, drizzle and overcast. They are calling for another cold front to come through which will turn all this precip. into either ICE or FREEZING rain.

Ok so i'm a chick right... I'm not so worried about the rain but I don't like ice..

Not because I am a bad driver because I am not, but people here in texas don't experience ice much so in turn they drive 90 + MPH on black ice... hence REALLY bad accidents. So while I'm confident I can drive on it if I am careful I'm worried about the moron next to me with 4X drive who thinks he can drive that fast. A little bit of info... while you have more traction than I, you still can't stop any faster.

Journal Prompt of the day:What is my favorite area in nature? Somewhere you feel completely at peace?

What is my favorite area in nature? Somewhere you feel completely at peace?

I like hiking through the forrest... You hear the animals making noices, the birds chirping and especially if it is quiet you can't help but feel completely at peace.

It's a place to gather your thoughts, write a bit, and just chill for a while.

Sometimes it is nice to be by yourself and reflect at times.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


The language of friendship is not words but meanings.

Henry David Thoreau

I am blessed to have many good friends and I'm blessed that I'm able to be a good friend to them :-).. Saw this quote and it struck me as appropriate.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ugly People and that has NOTHING to do with physical appearance

Some people I would deem EXTREMELY ugly. Does this have to do with their appearance? NO!!! The people who are ugly to others, make fun of people for NO reason, spread rumor.. Etc.. I could go on forever... THOSE people are ugly..


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Journal Prompt of the day: Tell me about your family.

Ok I'm going to address this question from the standpoint of where my family came here from and my origins.

My father's family arrived in the States in around 1900 from Southern Wales. I have documents that date back at least until 1815 and then I get lost. With that I have german ancestors that married into the family. There is a bit of a mystery though, My 3rd great-grandfather had a brother. I have no idea what happened to him after the 1880 British Census.

Mom's family is even harder because most are far removed from each other and the older people kept no records. I know my mom's mom's family is from Ireland and all 5 of my great aunts and mother have either RED hair or Strawberry blonde hair.My mom's Mom's dad's family is German.Mom's Dad's Family was primarily from England and Germany I think, and there is speculation that there is some Italian thrown in for flavor but I don't have definite proof of the connection. Not sure where the Dutch plays in either but I'm told I have some of that in my blood too.

Anyhow, A lot of Families in Suth NJ are probably cousins of mine through one family or another. LOTS of the Irish families there are kin to me distantly.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Journal Prompt: Write about a wierd day in your workplace.

Wierd day.. How about wierd person.

We have what's called Share Branching. It is a way for people who have associated credit unions to do basic transactions with us for their convienence. We have many Share Branchers but one man creeps me out.

For a while this man was coming in at least twice a day to deposit minimal amounts, and then would tell me stories that creeped me out. One day in particular he says.... I LOVE my Stella.... and although I may look at other women, and by the way you are a very nice looking woman... I only have EYES for Stella... 26 years we've been married... ahhh yes... only eyes for Stella.. then he goes on to say that his son has anger management problems and that if he disrespected his wife he would beat the poop (expletive ommitted) out of him because that just isn't right.

EWWWW! Ok now everytime he comes in I cringe. Who has the anger management problems?

Monday, January 19, 2009

River of My Mind

River of My Mind

The Moonlight rests on hazy clouds
The rain is gently pouring down
I row in an old boat that I've found
Looking for understanding

The Rain is sprinkling on my face
I don't know if I'll find my place
The Path ahead is but a daze
As my mind looks for the answer

The Boat creaks with the passing wind
The trees appear to be caving in
I'm trapped and noone can get in
To these feelings I have deep inside me

The water calms in this river bed
And the rain slowly ceases to spread
My mind clears and the answer is said
And I row down the path laid before me

Journal prompt of the day: How attractive are you?

How attractive are you?

I think that I'm a pretty girl. I guess it is in terms of what you find attractive. Is it in the look in your eyes or Is it what is in your heart... your very soul that makes you attractive. Physically I think most women, who are not on ego trip, have warped sense of self at times and I am no different. There are times where I don't think I'm pretty at all and times I see myself as beautiful.

So I guess like beauty, what makes you attractive is in the eye of the beholder.

Welcome and starting fresh!

So here I am... sitting here writing!

Well I'm still not feeling good but about to take some sinus medicine to take care of it. Our weather here has been so aweful... I'm talking 80 degrees to 30 sometimes in the same day. My sinuses are screaming "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!".

Anyhow, I have the second night of auditions tonight and then I go back to the grind at work tomorrow secretly going to the backdoor theatre website to see if they had posted the casting! LMAO.. I know I'm like a kids in the candy store... Did I get it????????

I need coffee!!!!!!! Strong coffee!!!!

and I'm out!

Combining most of my blogs areas here

Instead of blogging on several sites I've decided to consolidate most of them into this one here. Be watching for lots of blogs to come...

I'm out to take some sinus meds.