Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Life has left me busy

Hi all,

I plan on trying to blog a bit more. Business has left me not being online as much. Not that it is a bad thing, QUITE the contrary. I'm going to try and write more.. I've been wanting to start writing poetry and lyrics again and so I'm going to start here with picking a prompt question and answering it.

Prompt 8/23/11

Write about why you think or don't think that each of us is responsible for our own happiness.

Great topic. You have the ability to choose to be grumpy, angry, irritated and all of those negative emotions that you can come up with, BUT you can choose to be happy, excited, content, satiated and whatever term you want to place there as well.

Why, with all the positive emotions you could choose why would you choose to be miserable? What good comes out of being a person with an ugly personality that no one wants to be around. It causes stress, causes body issues, and can cause death early. Not to mention those types of people end up alone and depressed.

Joy can only bring good things. When you feel good, you convey that type of postive energy to others. When you smile, you cause someone else to smile. Smile in the face of adversity.

Monday, February 21, 2011

My Little Secret Friend......

I want to tell you all a little story. I'm going to take you back to 1999. I was in college majoring in voice performance. I used to get on yahoo chat and go to rooms where they had impromptu singing. I used to take turns and sing songs all the time. MOST of the time it would be followed by a private pop-up saying "Who ARE You?" To which I replied, "No one but a local singer really".

I met scores of other people lurking on these rooms and this story is about one of them in particular. He simply went by "Ron". He was one of those random pop-ups after I finished singing a song one day and told me he was a travelling singer with a boy band. THIS IS THE INTERNET so I blew it off for the most part. He was neat to chat at because we had music in common and I like making new friends with similar interest, so I played along.

I kept up with what I thought was an imaginary existence because it was really interesting, and shared what I was working on at the time. One day, he offered to send me postcards from some of the cities he visited. I said sure thinking... yeah right! That was before the first of the postcards came in. I still have all 13 of these. Varying cities from Florida to California to Little Rock.

So he says on one email..... I'm going to be on TRL and Jordan Knight is going to be there... Would you like for me to get his autograph for you? I say, "Sure I'm a fan of his music... he's great!" (I'm still thinking.... whatever....). Yeah.... I thought that until I got his autograph in the mail along with some postcards in a bubble mailer.

Still going on 12 years later I'm curious as to who this was. I have my theories but not really sure. He was really cool and I hope that he did go on to do well with whatever he was working on.

I have the postcards as a reminder of my little secret musician friend from 1999.

Just one of the cards front and back. This was one from Chicago



And this is the signature I received in the bubble mailer.
